We gratefully receive donations through our trusted friends at The Gift Trust, a donor giving platform. Through them you can donate to Seed the Change, or one of our projects. The Gift Trust will send you a receipt for your tax deductible donation.

And 100% of your support goes to the recipient organsiation.

Just click on their logo to donate.

By giving through The Gift Trust your helping support a healthy ecosystem of impact-driven organisations.



Are you supergenerous?

If you’ve donated to any charitable organisation in the last four years, you are usually entitled to 33% tax rebate on those donations. Once claimed you are then able to donate this rebate to a charity close to your heart.

We have partnered with the good people at Supergenerous to make claiming your donation tax rebates really simple and easy, so that you can continue the generosity.

Simply click on the logo below to become a super donor.


Our Live Campaigns

We are actively seeking support for the projects we are nurturing. Can you help power our projects with your generosity?

Drinkable Rivers VERT-Colour.jpg

$30 for one native tree

$200 for water testing

$1000 for 25% contribution to a data sensor

Gautama Buddha Free School

$50 Health check-up for the students

$150 School uniform, books, bag for 1 child

$200 Educate a child for a year

$25 to Share Kai

$100 to gift Peace Train books

$250 for 1 place on the Compassion Course