currently nurturing
Action the Compassion
Seed the Change is nurturing Action the Compassion, a youth-led leadership and wellbeing programme that promotes peace and compassion. Borne out of Mahia te Aroha’s Spread Peace workstream, Action the Compassion seeks to empower young people to become leaders who will activate and drive a shift in society where peace and compassion are integral to the way people live and work. We believe in a future where diversity is celebrated in all its forms (gender, ethnicity, faith, culture, thinking, social mobility).
Starting in 2022, and every year thereafter, we have held youth hui focusing on the themes of peace, compassion, identity and belonging, and clearly hear the demand for more of these opportunities from the rangatahi who participate.
Our approach
Action the Compassion is for youth, by youth.
We invite those in Year 11 - 13 to join our Co-Design Crew. A deliberate mix of students from public/ private schools.
Provide leadership opportunties for the Co-Design Crew to design and deliver the programme each year
Host hui for students across the region with speakers that inspire.
Develop peer-reviewed resources to action compassion
Partner with schools and education providers
Sit back and let our rangatahi lead.
“I have worked alongside other students other to create such meaningful and inspiring hui on compassion and the another about belonging, that benefited everyone who attended them. The message of both of these helped me become the better me that I am today. I was motivated to grow internally and show love and compassion to others while also belonging and staying who I truly am.
These hui were well crafted, thanks to the foundation that was set out by Seed the Change and we were just helping build it up from there. Having different roles in the hui helped grow my confidence in different situations and in life as well. ”
It takes a village
We’re extremely grateful to the following partners to help grow, champion and amplify the work of Action the Compassion.
Voices on compasison
A great overview of our 2024 youth hui series.
Read about our second hui from Ngan’s perspective, a member of our Co-Design Crew of 2022 and 2023.
Our inaugural hui in 2022, from a school’s perspective
Seed the Change is able to support Action the Compassion backed by the generosity of: Peace and Education Disarmament Trust and PubCharity. and the Lottery Communities Fund.